Complete blood count with leukocyte formula 3000 dram
Blood group/Rhesus factor 2000 dram
Complete blood count with leukocyte formula + reticulocytes 5000 dram
Common urine analysis 2000 dram
Common urine analysis with sediment microscopy 3000 dram
Zimnitsky test of urine 3000 dram
Microscopy of urethral and vaginal discharge (swab) 3000 dram
Cervical cytology by Pap smear (PAP test) 7000 dram
PAP-test (liquid-based cytology) 15000 dram
Spermogram 7000 dram
Sperm morphology using Kruger’s criteria 5000 dram
Spermogram + Sperm morphology using Kruger’s criteria 10000 dram
UROFLUOMETRY (Estimated velocity of uroflow (Urodin 1000)) 5000 dram

BIL tot/dir - Bilirubin total/direct по 1500 dram
AST (GOT) - Aspartate aminotransferase 1500 dram
ALT (GOT) - Alanine aminotransferase 1500 dram
ALP - Alkaline phosphatase 1500 dram
GGT - Gamma-glutamyltransferase 1500 dram
LDH - Lactate dehydrogenase 1500 dram
Lactate 2000 dram
NEFA-Non-esterified fatty acids 6000 dram
TP - Total Protein (serum) 1500 dram
ALB - Albumin (serum) 1500 dram
CREA - Creatinine (serum) 1500 dram
UREA - Urea, urea nitrogen (serum) 1500 dram
Uric Acid - Uric Acid 2000 dram
u-ALB - Microalbumin (urine) 5000 dram
Oxalate (urine per day) 6000 dram
Cytrate (urine per day, plasma) 3000 dram
Cystacin C (early marker of GFR) (serum) 4000 dram
Reberg test Comparison of creatinine in urine and serum 2000 dram
ALB/CREA Comparison of albumen to creatinine in urine 6000 dram
ACP - Acid phosphatase, total/prostate 2000 dram

Pepsinogen I 5000 dram
Pepsinogen II 5000 dram
Comparison of pepsinogens I / II 10000 dram
Gastrin 5000 dram
Gastrin 17 8000 dram
HB pil - Helicobacter pylori IgG 6000 dram
α-AMYL - alpha amylase (urine, serum) 2000 dram
LIP - Lipase 4000 dram
C-Peptide 7000 dram
Ins. - Insulin 7000 dram
Proins - Proinsulin 7000 dram
Lep - Leptin 7000 dram
Cal protect - Fecal calprotectin (quantity) 15000 dram
ASCA - Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies IgA/IgG по 7500 dram
Anti-tTg - Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies IgA/IgG по 7500 dram
AGA - Antigliadin antibodies IgA/IgG по 7500 dram
Anti-DGP - Anti deamidated Gliadin peptide IgA/IgG по 7500 dram
Anti-ЕМA - Anti-endomysia antibodies IgA/IgG 7500 dram
LCT – Polymorph. C(-13910)T in lactase gene 6000 dram

25 (OH) Vit. D - Vitamin D hydroxi 10000 dram
Vit. B12 - Vitamin В12 7000 dram
Vit. B9 - Vitamin В9 (Folic acid) 7000 dram

Chol.tot - Cholesterol total 1500 dram
Chol HDL - Cholesterol HDL 2000 dram
Chol LDL - Cholesterol LDL 2500 dram
TRIG- Triglycerides 2000 dram
APO LIP. B - Apolipoprotein B 5000 dram
APO LIP. A1 - Apolipoprotein A1 5000 dram

AGA - Antigliadin antibodies IgA/IgG по 7500 dram

THR - Prothrombin time, index INR 1500 dram
APTT - Activated partial thromboplastin time 1000 dram
FG - Fibrinogen 2500 dram
TT - Thrombin time 1000 dram
D-Dimer - D-Dimer (sign of blood clot/fibrinolysis) 8000 dram
Protein C - Protein C 8000 dram
Protein С/S - Protein С/S 8000 dram
AT. III - Antithrombin III 7000 dram
Willebrant test - Activeness of Willebrand factor 10000 dram

Na - Natrium (serum) 1500 dram
K - Potassium (serum) 1500 dram
Ca tot. - Calcium, total (serum) 1500 dram
Ca I - Calcium ionized (serum) 1500 dram
IPH - Inorganic phosphorus (serum) 2000 dram
CL - Chloride (serum) 1000 dram
Mg - Magnesium (serum) 1500 dram
Cu - Copper (serum /urine) по 3000 dram
Zn - Zinc (serum /urine/sperm) по 3000 dram


GLU - Glucose 1000 dram
HbA1C - Glycosylated hemoglobin (fraction А1с) 5000 dram
FRAM - Fructosamine 3000 dram
C-Pept. - C-Peptide 7000 dram
Ins - Insulin 7000 dram
Proins - Proinsulin 7000 dram
Lep - Leptin 7000 dram
Homa-IR - Insulin resistance test -- dram
Anti-Ins. - Insulin antibody 7000 dram
АТ-GAD - Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase 12000 dram
IA-2 - Anti-tyrosine phosphatase 12000 dram

Iron - Serum iron 2000 dram
TIBS - Total iron binding capacity 2000 dram
Ferritin 5000 dram
Transferin 5000 dram

β-crossLaps - 1st type collagen C-terminal telopeptides 7000 dram
N-MID-ost. - N-terminal (1-43) osteocalcin fragment 7000 dram
Total P1NP - Procollagen 1st type amino-terminal peptide 10000 dram
PTH - Parathyroid hormone (intact) 8000 dram
Vit.-D tot. - 25-OH vitamin D 10000 dram
CTN - Calcitonin 8000 dram
Bone TRAP - Bone metastasis marker 15000 dram

Immunoglobulin E (IgE total) 6000 dram
Airborne allergen (26 names, differentials) 34000 dram
Food-based allergen (26 names, differentials) 34000 dram

TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone 5000 dram
T3 - Triiodothyronine 6000 dram
T3 free - Triiodothyronine free 6000 dram
T4 - Thyroxin 6000 dram
T4 free - Thyroxin free 6000 dram
TG-Ab - Thyroglobulin antibody 6000 dram
TP-Ab - Thyroid peroxidase antibody 6000 dram
TSHR Ab - Anti-receptor antibody TSH (stimulating) 12000 dram
CTN - Calcitonin 8000 dram
TG Ag - Thyroglobulin 8000 dram

LH - Luteinizing hormone 5000 dram
FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone 5000 dram
AMH - Anti-mullerian hormone 10000 dram
PRL - Prolactin 6000 dram
M-PRL - Macroprolactin 8000 dram
E2 - Estradiol 5000 dram
E3 - Estriol 5000 dram
E3 free - Estriol free 6000 dram
PROG - Progesterone 5000 dram
17-OH PROG - 17-OH Progesterone 6000 dram
HCG Beta - Chorionic gonadotropin (beta subunit) 6000 dram
TEST - Testosterone 6000 dram
TEST free - Free testosterone 6000 dram
TEST bioav. - Bioavailable testosterone 11000 dram
TEST DH - 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone 6000 dram
DHEA - Dehydroepiandrosterone 6000 dram
DHEA-S - Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 6000 dram
SHBG - Sex hormone binding globulin 5000 dram
SPERM Ab - Sperm antibodies 5000 dram
ОVAR Ab - Ovarian antibody 5000 dram
Inhibin A - Inhibin А 9000 dram
Inhibin B - Inhibin В (blood serum/sperm plasma) по 20000 dram
Activin A - Activin A (blood serum/sperm plasma) по 15000 dram

SPERMOGRAM 7000 dram
CITR - Citrate in seminal plasma 2000 dram
FRUCT - Fructose in seminal plasma 3000 dram
Zn - Zinc in seminal plasma 3000 dram
α-G - Alpha-glucosidase 8000 dram
ACP - Acid phosphatase (total/prostate) по 2000 dram
Sperm Ab - Antisperm antibodies 5000 dram
a2-GF - Alpha-2 microglobulin of fertility (GLYCODELIN) 13000 dram
Inhibin B - Inhibin В (blood serum/sperm plasma) по 20000 dram
Activin A - Activin А (blood serum/sperm plasma) по 15000 dram
AZF - Micro-deletion AZF-locus Y-chromosomes 6000 dram
CFTR - Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (20 mutations) 35000 dram
(CAG)n - Polymorphisms of the Androgen Receptor Gene, CAG repeats 18000 dram
Androf.scr. - Androflor screen 20000 dram
Androflor - Androflor, study of biocenosis of the urogenital tract of men by PCR method 30000 dram

PAPP-A - Pregnancy Associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) 7500 dram
HCG β-free - Chorionic gonadotropin (B-free) 7500 dram
AFP - Alpha-fetoproetin 6000 dram
β-HCG - Chorionic gonadotropin (β-subunit) 6000 dram
Е3 free - Estriol free 6000 dram
Inhibin A 9000 dram

HCY - Homocysteine 10000 dram
APLA - Antibodies to acid. IgG/IgM phospholipids по 7500 dram
ACA - Anticardiolipin antibodies IgG/IgM по 7500 dram
LA - Lupus anti-coagulant 8000 dram
SLE - Systemic lupus erythematosis 6000 dram
Anti β2 glycopr. - Anti β2- glycoprotein, IgG/IgM по 7500 dram

CRP - C-reactive protein (latex agglutination) 3000 dram
RF - Rheumatoid factors (latex agglutination) 2000 dram
ASO - Antistreptolysin O (latex agglutination) 3000 dram
Anti-CCP - Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies 10000 dram
Anti-MCV - Modified citrullinated vimentin antibody 10000 dram
ANA-screen - Antinuclear antibody 7500 dram
dsDNA Ab - Anti-double stranded DNA 7500 dram
Anti b2 glycopr. - Antibodies to b2-glycoprotein IgG/IgM по 7500 dram
ACA - Antibodies to cardiolipin IgG/IgM по 7500 dram
APLA- Antibodies to acid. phospholipids IgG/IgM по 7500 dram
HLA B27 - Human leukocyte antigen B27 10000 dram
a-1-Ac-GP - Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 5000 dram
CIC - Circulating immune complex (CIC) 5000 dram
Anti RNP/Sm - Anti-ribonucleoprotein 7500 dram
Anti Scl70 - Scleroderma antibody (Scl70) 7500 dram
ANCA - Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 7500 dram
PCT - Pocalcitonin 15000 dram

CEA - Carcino-embryonic antigen 6000 dram
SCC - Squamous cell carcinoma antigen 12000 dram
CA 125 - Cancer antigen 125 (ovarian marker) 10000 dram
HE4 - Human epididymis protein 4 15000 dram
NSE - Neuron-specific enolase 10000 dram
Pro GRP - Marker of small cell bronchogenic carcinoma 12000 dram
CYFRA - Soluble cytokeratin fragment 19 12000 dram
CA 15-3 - Cancer antigen 15-3 (marker of mammary gland) 10000 dram
CA 19-9 - Cancer antigen 19-9 (marker GIT) 10000 dram
CA 72-4 - Cancer antigen 72-4 (marker GIT) 7500 dram
CA 242 - Cancer antigen 242 (marker GIT) 7500 dram
PSA tot. - Prostatic specific antigen (total) 6000 dram
PSA fr. - Prostatic specific antigen (free) 7500 dram
Bone TRAP - Marker of bone metastasis 15000 dram
CTN - Calcitonin 8000 dram
TG Ag - Thyroglobulin 8000 dram
HCG - Chorionic gonadotropin 6000 dram
AFP - Alpha-fetoprotein 6000 dram
a-1-Ac-GP - а-1 acid glycoprotein (recurrent tumor) 5000 dram
FOBT - Occult blood in stool 2000 dram

AKTG - Adrenocorticotropic hormone 7500 dram
COR - Cortisol 7500 dram

REN - Plasma renin 10000 dram
ACE - Angiotensin converting enzyme 4000 dram
ALD - Aldosterone in blood plasma 7000 dram

ADR,N-ADR,DOPAMINE - Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Dopamine (serum/urine) 48000 dram
VMA - Vanillylmandelic acid (daily urine) 7000 dram

STH - Growth hormone (somatotrophin) 8000 dram
IGF-1 - Somatomedin, insulin-like growth factor 8000 dram

Ig M/A/G - Immunoglobulin М / A / G по 4000 dram
CIC - Circulating immune complex (CIC) 5000 dram
C3 - С3 complement component 4000 dram
C4 - С4 complement component 4000 dram
IL6 - Interleukin 6 10000 dram

ADA - Adenosine deaminase (pleural fluid) 5000 dram

SARS-CoV2 specific T Cell imunity 80000 dram

Chl. tr - Chlamydia trachomatis 7000 dram
Myc.h - Mycoplasma hominis 7000 dram
Myc. g - Mycoplasma genitalium 7000 dram
Ur.ur - Ureaplasma urealyticum 7000 dram
Trich. v. - Trichomoniasis vaginalis 7000 dram
Gard. v. - Gardnerella vaginalis 7000 dram
NG - Neisseria gonorrhea 7000 dram
HSV 1+2 - Herpes virus 1+2 7000 dram
CMV - Cytomegalovirus 7000 dram
TOXO - Toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii) 7000 dram
EBV - Epstein-Barr virus (Infectious mononucleosis) 7000 dram
Cand. alb. - Candida albicans 7000 dram
Lyst. мon. - Listeria monocytogenes 7000 dram
V-Z. V. - Varicella-zoster mice (Varicella-zoster) 7000 dram
Myc. tub. - Tuberculosis 7000 dram
Femoflor - Femoflor, study of biocenosis of urogenital tract in women by PCR method 25000 dram
Androflor - Androflor, study of biocenosis of the urogenital tract of men by PCR method 30000 dram
Andr. scr. - Androflor screen 20000 dram
HPV 16/18 - Papillomavirus type 16/18 (high risk of cervical cancer) 7000 dram
HPV 31/33 - Papillomavirus type 31/33 (medium risk of cervical cancer) 7000 dram
HPV 6/11 - Papillomavirus type 6/11 (moderate risk of cervical cancer) 7000 dram
HPV complex - Papillomavirus complex types (6,11,16,18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56,58,59, 67, 70, 82) 8000 dram
HPV dif - Papillomavirus complex with different types: 6/11/16/18/31/33 14000 dram
HPV dif/quant - Papillomavirus (6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 39, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73 82) type and quantity definition 25000 dram
HBV - Quality definition of hepatitis B virus 6000 dram
HBV Q - Quantity definition of hepatitis B virus 40000 dram
HBV - Hepatitis В (genetic typing, A, B, C, D) 40000 dram
HCV - Quality definition of hepatitis C virus 10000 dram
HCV Q - Quantity definition of hepatitis C virus 50000 dram
HCV - Hepatitis С (genetic typing 1,2,3,4,5,6) 50000 dram
IL28B - Interleukin 28В 6000 dram

CMV - Cytomegalovirus IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
CMV avid - Cytomegalovirus IgG, Avidity 15000 dram
Ur.ur - Ureaplasma urealyticum IgA/IgG по 5000 dram
Myc.h - Mycoplasma hominis IgA/IgG по 5000 dram
HSV 1 - Herpes 1 IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
HSV 2 - Herpes 2 IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
HSV 1,2 avid - Hermes 1,2 IgG, Avidity 15000 dram
CHL. tr - Chlamydia Tr. IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
RUB. - Rubella IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
TOXO - Toxoplasma IgM/IgG по 5000 dram
TOXO avid - Toxoplasma IgG, Avidity 15000 dram
Bor. B - Borreliosis IgG/IgM по 6000 dram
VZ - Chickenpox IgG/IgM по 6000 dram
Meas. V - Measles IgG 7000 dram
TORCH - Complex TOXO + RUB. + CMV + HSV 15000 dram
HIV Ag/Ab - Human immunodeficiency virus P24Ag & total Abs to HIV-1+2 including subtype O 6000 dram
HB pil - Helicobacter pylori IgG 6000 dram
BR-RB - Brucella-Rose Bengal 4000 dram
SIPH TPHA - Syphilis 3000 dram
HAV - Hep. А IgM/IgG 5000 dram
HBS Ag - Hep. B Ag (superficial Ag) 6000 dram
HB screen - Hep. B скр. (HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb, HBcAb) 10000 dram
HCV - Hep. C IgG (2 core Ag+2 unstructured Ag) 6000 dram

Blood (sterility) Classic/Express 6000 dram (7days) / 25000 dram (1-3 days)
Inoculation (urine/stool) Classic/Express 6000 dram (5days) / 25000 dram(1-2 days)
Inoculation (ejaculate, prostatic secretion, urinogenital discharge, punctates, wound washing, ear/eye discharge, moisture, throat scrapings, larynx, gums, tongue, epidermis, breast milk) Classic/Express 6000 dram (5 days) / 25000 dram (1-2 days)
Dysbacteriosis Classic/Express 10000 dram (5 days) / 25000 dram (3 days)
Bac. diagnosis for antigen definition E. coli O157:H7 (stool) 8000 dram (1 day)
Yersinia (blood, urine, stool, swab) 8000 dram (6 days)
Listeria (blood, urine, stool, swab) 8000 dram (6 days)
Clostridium difficile (stool) 7000 dram (3 days)
Streptococcus agalactiae (β-beta-hemolytic streptococci group B) 4000 dram (4 days)
Streptococci group A /Strep test/ (throat) 5000 dram (1 day)
Respiratory adenovirus (throat, swab) 8000 dram (1 day)
Enterovirus / Rotavirus / Adenovirus (stool) each 10000 dram (1 day)
FOBT (occult blood in stool) 2000 dram (1 day)
Helicobacter Pylori (stool antigen) 5000 dram (1 day)
UREAPLASMA urealit + MYCOPLASMA hom + antibiotic sensitivity (9 names) 15000 - dram (3 day)
Nails, Hair, Epidermis each 3000 dram

DEMODEX SCRAPING (microscopy) 3000 dram
HELMINTOSCOPY stool, scraping from the perianal area (microscopy) 2000 dram
Lamblia antigen (stool) 6000 dram
Ascarid IgG (blood) 4000 dram
Lamblia IgG+IgM+IgA (blood) 6000 dram
Echinococcus IgG (blood) 4000 dram

PKU -Phenylketonuria 5000 dram

SARS-CoV2/ SARS-CoV - Qualitative determination of SARS-CoV2 coronaviruses and similar SARS-CoV by PCR method 9000 dram
Anti-SARS-Cov2 IgG AB - Antibodies to SARS-CoV2 IgG by ELISA method (IBL International GmbH) 15000 dram
SARS-CoV-2 S1/RBD IgG Ab - Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 S1/RBD IgG Ab (IBL International GmbH) 5000 dram
SARS-CoV-2 Ag Rapid Antigen Test - Antigen of SARS-CoV2 coronavirus, causing acute respiratory syndrome. (Express test) 15000 dram
IL 6 - Interleukin 6 10000 dram
Prolaktin 15000 dram

REN - Rennin I9-83G/A 6000 dram
AGT- Angiotensinogen T704C (Met235Thr) 6000 dram
AGT- Angiotensinogen C521T (Thr174Met) 6000 dram
ACE- Angiotensine conv. ferment Alu Ins/Del 6000 dram
Angiotensin receptor 1 II A1166C 6000 dram
AGTR-2 - Angiotensin receptor 2 II G1675A 6000 dram
BDKRB2 - Bradykinin receptor B2 Ins/Del 6000 dram
NOS3 - Endothelial nitric oxide synthase G894T 6000 dram
NOS3 - Endothelial nitric oxide synthase T-786C 6000 dram
complex 32000 dram
HLA - B27 - Human leukocyte antigen B27 10000 dram
FI - Factor I, Fibrinogen 455 G/A 6000 dram
FII - Factor II, Prothrombin 20210 G/A 6000 dram
FV - Factor V, Proaccelerin 1691 G/A 6000 dram
FVII - Factor VII, Prothrombin conversion factor 10976 G/A 6000 dram
FXII - Factor XII, Hageman factor C46T 6000 dram
FXIII - Factor XII, fibrin stabilizing factor G103T 6000 dram
PAI-1 - Plasminogen activator inhibitor 675 4G/5G 6000 dram
ITGA2 - Integrin 2 807C/T 6000 dram
ITGB3 - Integrin 3 1565T/C 6000 dram
JAK2 - Janus kinase-2 1849G/T Val617Phe 6000 dram
Complex 32.000 dram
MTHFR - MTHFR reductase 677C/T 6000 dram
MTHFR - MTHFR reductase A1298C 6000 dram
MTRR - Methionine synthase reductase 66 A/G 6000 dram
MTR - Methionine synthase 2756 A/G 6000 dram
SLC19A1 - Folate transporter A80G 6000 dram
Complex 18.000 dram
IL10 - Interleukin 10 C (-592)A 6000 dram
IL10 - Interleukin 10 G (-1082)A 6000 dram
IL6 - Interleukin 6 C (-174)G 6000 dram
TNFb - Tumor necrosis factor beta G (+252)A 6000 dram
TNFа - Tumor necrosis factor alpha A (-308)G 6000 dram
TNFа - Tumor necrosis factor alpha A (-238)G 6000 dram
Complex 21.000 dram
BRCA1-Breast Cancer 1 4153delA 6000 dram
BRCA1-Breast Cancer 1 4158 A/G 6000 dram
BRCA1-Breast Cancer 1 5382insC 6000 dram
BRCA1-Breast Cancer 1 185del A/G 6000 dram
BRCA1-Breast Cancer 1 300 T/G 6000 dram
BRCA2-Breast Cancer 2 695insC 6000 dram
BRCA2-Breast Cancer 2 6174delT 6000 dram
CHEK2-Check Point Kinase 2 1100delC 6000 dram
CHEK2 - 470T/C, IVS2+1G/A, 1100delC 6000 dram
CHEK2-Check Point Kinase 2 470T/C 6000 dram
ATM - 5932G>T 6000 dram
PALB2 - 172-175delTTGT 6000 dram
Complex 48.000 dram
Polymorph. G1997T in collagen gene type I 6000 dram
VDR – Polymorph. Bsml c.IVS7 G>A in gene receptor vit. D 6000 dram
ESR1 - Polymorph. G1782A (Thr594Thr) in estrogen receptor gene 1 6000 dram
LCT – Polymorph. C(-13910)T in lactase gene 6000 dram
FDPS – Polymorph. c.IVS T(-99)G in farnesyl diphosphate synthase gene 6000 dram
Complex 15.000 dram
Somatic mutation 1849G/T(617V/F) of Janus Kinase gene-2 6000 dram
AZF – Testing of microdeletion of sub-regions AZF locus Y хромосы: AZFa, AZFb, AZFc 6000 dram
CFTR - Polymorphisms of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene F508del, N1303K, R334W, W1282X 3849+10kb C>T, CFTRdel2,3 (21kb), R117H, 3821delT, G542X, 1677delTA, R553X, 394delTT, 2143delT, G85E, 2184InsA, 1078delT, G551D, 621+1G>T, R1162X, 3732delA 35000 dram
(CAG)n - CAG repeat polymorphism in androgen receptor gene 18000 dram
LEPR - Polymorph. Arg223Gln in leptin gene 6000 dram
FSHR - A2039G polymorphism in the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor gene 12000 dram
LHCGR - Polymorphisms CTGGTT/del and 1777G/C in the luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin receptor gene 18000 dram
ESR1 - G2014A polymorphism in the estrogen receptor 1 gene 6000 dram
BCR/ABL t (9;22) - Qualitative determination of a chimeric gene BCR/ABL t (9;22) by PCR method 15000 dram
BCR/ABL t (9;22) RQ - Quantitative determination of the expression of the chimeric gene BCR/ABL t (9;22) by PCR 30000 dram


RING 20TH CHROMOSOME SYNDROME (karyotype+FISH) 40000 dram